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Learn to protect yourself in a fall

Ask Mr. Pedometer and Friends…

Q:  Mr. Pedometer, is falling the most serious risk for the elderly?   

A:  That depends on how you define “elderly.” Surprisingly, those in their 50s and 60s are more apt to fall than older folks, according to a study in the Journal of Allied Health.  The scary part is, falling is more apt to result in traumatic brain injury than any other cause.

An article in AARP Magazine by Michael Zimmerman included an interview with stuntwoman Alexa Marcigliano on how to make an inevitable fall as safe as possible.  “Be smooth, don’t panic, stay loose,” is her short answer, but she then elaborated on four points to ensure a safe crash landing:

  • STAY BENT – When you lose your balance, get ready to fall by bending your elbows and knees. If you panic, you are apt to become rigid, resulting in injuries doctors call FOOSH:  “fall on outstretched hand.” That likely would result in a broken wrist or elbow.
  • PROTECT YOUR HEAD – When falling forward, be sure to turn your head to the side. If falling backward, tuck your chin to your chest to avoid having your head hit the ground.
  • LAND ON THE MEAT – If you keep your elbows and knees bent and try to land on muscle (back, buttocks, or thighs), you are less likely to fracture your elbows, knees, tailbone, or hips.
  • KEEP FALLING – It may seem counter-intuitive, but the more you give in to the fall, the safer it will be. By rolling with the fall, you spread the impact across a larger part of your body instead of concentrating the impact on one area.

No matter what your age, there is a very high possibility that you will suffer a fall at some point.  These four tips could mean the difference between merely being bruised and being hospitalized with broken bones and head trauma.





Is falling the most serious risk for the elderly?    

Q:  Mr. Pedometer, is falling the most serious risk for the elderly?

A:  That depends on how you define “elderly.” Surprisingly, those in their 50s and 60s are more apt to fall than older folks, according to a study in the Journal of Allied Health.  The scary part is, falling is more apt to result in traumatic brain injury than any other cause.

An article in AARP Magazine by Michael Zimmerman included an interview with stuntwoman Alexa Marcigliano on how to make an inevitable fall as safe as possible.  “Be smooth, don’t panic, stay loose,” is her short answer, but she then elaborated on four points to ensure a safe crash landing:

  • STAY BENT – When you lose your balance, get ready to fall by bending your elbows and knees. If you panic, you are apt to become rigid, resulting in injuries doctors call FOOSH:  “fall on outstretched hand.” That likely would result in a broken wrist or elbow.
  • PROTECT YOUR HEAD – When falling forward, be sure to turn your head to the side. If falling backward, tuck your chin to your chest to avoid having your head hit the ground.
  • LAND ON THE MEAT – If you keep your elbows and knees bent and try to land on muscle (back, buttocks, or thighs), you are less likely to fracture your elbows, knees, tailbone, or hips.
  • KEEP FALLING – It may seem counter-intuitive, but the more you give in to the fall, the safer it will be. By rolling with the fall, you spread the impact across a larger part of your body instead of concentrating the impact on one area.

No matter what your age, there is a very high possibility that you will suffer a fall at some point.  These four tips could mean the difference between merely being bruised and being hospitalized with broken bones and head trauma.





Staying Warm while in Freezing Temperatures

Ask Mr. Pedometer and Friends

Published December 13, 2017

Q:  Mr. Pedometer, my family’s winter gathering for the holidays will be in snow country.  I’m always cold, even in milder climates. Any advice on staying warm while in freezing temperatures?

A:  The older you are, the harder it is to stay warm.  That’s because our metabolism slows, and the fat layer under our skin thins.  The current edition of Consumer Reports on Health offers these tips:

  • DRESS RIGHT – Wear loose layers of clothing, since tight garments can impair your circulation. Wool or silk will hold heat better than cotton and won’t absorb moisture.  For outdoors, wear a winter coat, plus a hat scarf, and gloves, since extremities get coldest first.
  • AVOID ALCOHOL – “Alcohol can feel warming, but it actually has the opposite effect: It lowers your core body temperature and can cause you to lose body heat more quickly.  So opt for hot beverages like cider, but skip the brandy.”
  • WATCH FOR DANGER SIGNS – “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cold causes a higher proportion of deaths among older adults, who are especially susceptible to hypothermia (when the body’s temperature falls to dangerous levels).”
  • Have your phone with you at all times so that you can call for help if you fall on ice or get stuck in snow while driving.
  • Keep your home thermostat set at 68 degrees or higher.
  • Be aware of the symptoms of hypothermia, which include confusion, slurred speech, shivering, arm and leg stiffness, and slow reaction times. Call 911 or go to an emergency room if you suspect you have it.

I hope you can enjoy your holiday by staying warm while you take in the beauty of snowy surroundings.

Especially between Thanksgiving and, say, Groundhogs Day, Mr. Pedometer advises…