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Why Fit More Walking Into Your Life?

Why Fit More Walking Into Your Life?

Ask Mr. Pedometer and Friends…on Walking

September 4, 2019

Q:  Mr. Pedometer, you may have said this before, but please tell me again:  Why should we try to fit more walking into our life?

A: When Vivek Murthy was United States’ surgeon general, he “prescribed” a single activity for America to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.  Here are the nine reasons cited by Anna Almendrala, healthy living editor of the Huffington Post, for making walking an important part of your life:

LOWER RATES OF OBESITY – “A 2015 study found that even walking just 20 minutes a day can reduce your risk of premature death by 30 percent, and the Mayo Clinic notes that 30 minutes a day burns about 150 calories, which can help you reach a calorie deficit that leads to weight loss.”

PREVENT DIABETES – “Walking helps regulate blood sugar levels, which in turn keep insulin levels low and diabetes at bay. Walking group adding steps to their dayIn fact, walking for 15 minutes after every meal helped regulate blood sugar levels just as effectively as one 45-minute walk per day, according to a 2013 study, which is good for Americans daunted by one big walking session.”

GOOD FOR YOUR HEART – “If you walk at a clip where it feels comfortable to talk, but not comfortable enough to sing, then your heart is getting a great workout, Murthy noted.”

GENTLE ENOUGH FOR NEARLY EVERYBODY – “Pregnant? Morbidly obese?  Arthritic?  Walking is gentle enough for most people who have these conditions, doctors agree, and the activity can ease the pain of chronic illness – even if you have to start off with just two minutes a day.”

IMPROVES YOUR MOOD – “Moving your body is a well-known way to release endorphins, a set of feel-good chemicals that dull pain receptors in the brain, sedate you, and even give you a feeling of happiness and euphoria.  That’s why exercise in general, and walking in particular, is recommended to help improve symptoms of mild to moderate depression”

HELPS YOU SLEEP BETTER – “There’s a reason that travel experts advise you to walk around a new city on the day you arrive.  Exposing your body to the sunlight and staying outside until it grows dark helps recalibrate the hormone melatonin to your new surroundings and time zone.  As melatonin rises, so do feelings of sleepiness.”

WALKING IS AFFORDABLE AND ACCESSIBLE – “There’s no gym membership, fancy exercise clothing, or even walking-specific shoes you need to start.  You also don’t have to be trained to learn how to walk properly. All you need is a pair of comfortable, supportive shoes!”

MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS – “One in two Americans don’t know their neighbors.  Remedy that today by taking a walk around your block.  You’d be surprised at how many friendly faces you see and meet!”

INCREASE YOUR CHANCE OF SEEING BIRDS, BUTTERFLIES, AND SUNSETS BY A MILLION – “This one isn’t a scientific fact, but it just makes sense.  Take a page from the immensely successful memoir Wild, in which Cheryl Strayed wrote, ‘There’s a sunrise and sunset every day.  You can choose to be there for it.  You can put yourself in the way of beauty.’”

I hope that any one of those good reasons will help you decide to schedule walks most days of the week.


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Plant Proteins are Better for Your Health

Plant Proteins are Better for Your Health

Ask Mr. Pedometer and Friends…

August 21, 2019

Q:  Mr. Pedometer, what do you think about a meatless diet?  I have heard that plant proteins are better for your health and provide nutrients lacking from our normal diets but should we eliminate meat?

A: We have all heard the warnings to eat less red meat. Many people have gone farther than that and get some or all of their protein from plant proteins because they are better for your health.  Consumer Reports on Health ( reports in their September edition that “only 5 percent of Americans call themselves vegetarians.”  However, more and more of people are shifting to getting at least some of our protein from plants.  Here’s why:

EVEN SMALL CHANGES HELP – “Replacing even just a few meaty meals with meatless ones Plant based protiens that are better for your health at World Walk to Wellness Blogcan lead to improvements in health, such as lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels and less fat around your middle.  (Large waistlines are associated with a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.)  A 2016 study of 131,342 people found that trading just 3 percent of calories for an equivalent amount of plant protein resulted in a 12 percent lower risk of dying from any cause.  If plant protein replaced processed red meat – such as deli meat or hot dogs – it equated to a 34 percent lower risk of death.”

PLANTS CAN PROVIDE ADEQUATE PROTEIN – Foods like beans, nuts, and soy are the most concentrated protein sources, according to Dana Hunnes, Ph.D., senior dietitian at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. “Protein is essential for keeping your muscles strong – something that becomes even more important as you get older, because we do tend to lose some muscle mass as we age,” Hunnes says.  And a 2019 study found that protein – especially from plants – helps control the low-level inflammation that increases with age and contributes to disease.  Older people should aim for at least 0.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day – about 90 grams for someone who weighs 150 pounds.  (Exercise is also key for maintaining muscle).”

PLANT PROTEINS PROVIDE EVEN MORE –  Fiber from plant protein “can help to lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, lower your risk of colorectal cancer, and prevent weight gain….Plant-based diets are also rich in potassium and antioxidants….Potassium helps to regulate blood pressure – something that becomes increasingly important with age. (More than 60 percent of people 60 and older have high blood pressure, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.)” Antioxidants may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. “A diet rich in plant-based foods helps provide a number of important nutrients that are lacking in the typical American diet,” says Penny Kris-Etherton, Ph.D., R.D., distinguished professor of nutrition at Penn State University in University Park, Pennsylvania.

WHERE TO START? – Eliminating processed meat and limiting red meat is a good goal, the article suggests: Try to go meatless one or two days a week.    “The key is to experiment until you find healthy plant-based foods you love,” says Kris-Etherton.  “Then it won’t feel like a sacrifice to skip the meat.”

Next time you share a meal out with your vegetarian friends, why not try what they order?  You may discover that limiting red meat intake is not necessarily a burden. If you find you enjoy foods that provide plant-based proteins that are better for your health, you see timproved health at your check ups with your doctor.


How to reduce the risk of cancer

How to reduce the risk of cancer

Ask Mr. Pedometer and Friends…

August 14, 2019

Q: Mr. Pedometer, my family tree has been “pruned” by cancer. Are there any ways that I can reduce the risk of cancer?

A: The good news is that cancer Women celebrating ways to reduce risk of getting cancer.treatments are improving every year. However, in 2019, 1.7 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. The August edition of the Parade magazine insert in our Sunday newspapers offers these tips to reduce the risk of cancer:

ADD CANCER-FIGHTING FOODS TO YOUR DIET – “’This means avoiding highly-processed, high-fat and high-sugar foods. Shift as much as possible to a plant-based diet, and prioritize fish over other animal protein,’ according to S. Adam Ramin, MD, medical director of the Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angles. Other recommended foods for “potential anti-cancer properties include nuts, garlic, turmeric, berries, green tea, tomatoes, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli.”

STAY AWAY FROM SECONDHAND SMOKE – “Simply breathing in someone else’s smoke is almost as bad as smoking yourself, says William Li, MD, author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science on How the Body Can Heal Itself.”

GRILL MEATS WITH CAUTION – “’Cooking red meat, pork, poultry, and seafood above 300 degrees Fahrenheit can produce carcinogens, or substances capable of causing cancer,’ says Maria Petzel, senior clinical dietician at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Instead, she suggests, ‘Precook your meats in the oven, or on the stovetop, then finish them off on the grill; grill animal proteins on lower heat and for a longer time; and marinate the meats in an acidic base like vinegar or citrus juice.’ Another suggestion is to include rosemary, ‘Studies show that including this ingredient in a marinade can reduce chemicals produced when grilling by over 90 percent.’”

WEAR SUNSCREEN DAILY – “Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. (1 in 5 Americans will develop it by age 70.) It is also one of the most preventable types. Use sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher every day, will help reduce the risk of cancer even if you will not be outside for more than a few minutes, advises Annemarie Fogerty, MD, a hematologist and oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.”

DON’T GAIN ANOTHER POUND – “Obesity is linked to increased risk of a dozen types of cancer…. ‘Even if you never lose a pound, stabilizing your weigh where it is and preventing further weight gain is important for health,’ says Suzanne Dixon, a registered dietitian and epidemiologist.”

BE SMART ABOUT DRINKING – “’Alcohol is an established risk factor for cancer,’ says Niyati Parekh, PhD, director of public health nutrition at NYU College of Global Public Health. While moderate consumption does have protective effects for the heart, even small amounts of alcohol consumed regularly increase the risk for certain cancers, particularly breast cancer. If reducing the risk of cancer is your primary concern, the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends abstaining altogether. At the least, cap it daily at one standard drink (12 oz. regular beer, 5 oz. Wine, 1.5 oz. liquor) for women and two for men.”

MAKE SURE YOU’RE UP TO DATE ON YOUR SCREENINGS – “If not, hop on the phone and schedule them. ‘Early detection is the key,’ says Kevin J. Cullen, MD, director of the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Go to screenings for a list of the ACS guidelines.”

I hope these suggestions will help you avoid having to deal with cancer.



Preparing for a Safe Trip

Preparing for a Safe Trip

Ask Mr. Pedometer and Friends…

August 7, 2019

Q:  Mr. Pedometer, instead of plane, boat, or train, I will be traveling by automobile this summer.  Any suggestions for making it a safer trip?     

A: The August edition of Consumer Reports on Health ( has some good suggestions for you to help you have a safe trip:


    “A 2017 AAA study found that about 9 out of 10 older drivers Classic Car for World Walk to Wellness Blog on Safe Tripdon’t make any modifications to their cars that could make driving easier.  These can include handles and grips that can help with getting into and out of the vehicle, convex or multifaceted mirrors that make seeing blind spots easier, or steering wheel covers that make gripping the wheel less painful if you have arthritis in your hands.”


    “Performing a thorough check of your car’s functions can help avoid delays or hazardous situations while you’re on the road.  Check the levels of the oil, coolant, brake, and windshield washer fluids. Check for any wear and tear, cracks, weak spots, or hardened glassy surfaces on hoses and belts; replace any that are damaged.  Make sure the battery terminals and cables are firmly attached, and look through the radiator grill to ensure it’s clear of any obstructions.  Check the pressure in the tires, and add air if needed.  For more pre-trip tips, go to”


    “Older adults are at a higher risk for blood clots, and sitting in a confined space – such as your car – for more than 4 hours can increase your risk of developing a clot in your legs, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  So split up your sitting:  Be sure to take breaks and get up and walk around every few hours, the agency recommends.  Plus, if you are getting drowsy, a break is a good opportunity to take a quick nap, switch drivers, grab a cup of coffee – or all of the above.”


    “A complete first-aid kit should include bandages (clean wounds thoroughly before dressing); anti-histamines for allergies; over-the-counter pain relievers; anti-diarrheal remedies…; antacids; lubricating eye drops; and a thermometer.  And don’t forget to pack insect repellent, sunscreen, tweezers for tick removal, and hand sanitizer.”

  • PACK FOR HEALTH – “Make sure you have enough of all your medications to last you through your whole trip, plus a few days extra in case of any delays, says the CDC.  Ask your insurer for a ‘vacation override” if you need to refill your meds early before you leave.  Be sure to bring along an insurance card, your health-care provider’s contact info, and a list of your medications and dosages.”

  • KEEP SNACKS SAFE – “Keep any perishable snacks (such as cheese or cut fruit) in a cooler; wrap or package meat items separately, and fill in any extra space with ice or cold packs. Store non-perishable items like nuts or dried fruits elsewhere so that you need to limit how many times you need to open the cooler.”

I hope these ideas will help you have a safe and happy road trip!  Take walks wherever your destination.


Are you dehydrated?

Are you dehydrated?

Ask Mr. Pedometer and Friends…”Are you dehydrated? How do we know?”

July 24, 2019

A:  Are you dehydrated? As we are experiencing hotter days of summertime, it’s important to stay hydrated and know the signs of dehydration.  Here’s what Nancy George wrote in an article for

Dehydration, occurs when the body Are you dehydrated? Two people drinking water to stay hydratedhas insufficient water and other fluids to function properly. This can lead to blood clots, seizures, and other potentially fatal complications.  Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can have adverse effects on mood and energy.  That’s why it’s so important to catch dehydration early on. Unfortunately, the signs aren’t always obvious ones like thirst and fatigue.”  Here are some less obvious indicators that you might be dehydrated:

  • BAD BREATH – “Saliva has antibacterial properties in it. Dehydration can prevent your body from making enough saliva. When you’re not producing enough saliva you can get bacteria overgrowth. One of the side affects of that is bad breath from chronic dehydration,” says John Higgins, MD, associate professor of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Texas in Houston, and chief of cardiology at Lyndon B General Hospital.

  • DRY SKIN –   “A lot of people who get dehydrated are really sweaty.  Going through the various stages of dehydration, you become very dizzy, and you don’t have enough blood volume so you get very dry skin,” Dr. Higgins says.  He adds that because the skin is dry and not evaporating as well, you can also experience flushing of the skin.

  • MUSCLE CRAMPS – “The hotter you get, the more likely you are to get muscle cramps. This is from a pure heat effect on the muscles.  As the muscles work harder and harder, they can seize up from the heat itself.  Changes in the electrolytes, changes in the sodium and potassium can lead to muscle cramping as well,” according to Higgins.

  • FEVER AND CHILLS – “It might sound counterintuitive but if your body is severely dehydrated you may experience symptoms like fever or even chills.  Fever can be especially dangerous, so be sure to seek immediate medical attention if your fever rises over 101 degrees Fahrenheit.”

  • FOOD CRAVINGS, ESPECIALLY FOR SWEETS – “When you’re dehydrated, it can be difficult for some nutrients and organs like the liver, which uses water to release some glycogens and other components of your energy stores. The result is that you actually can get cravings for food,” Dr. Higgins says.  Causing you to crave anything from chocolate to a salty snack. Cravings for sweets are more common because your body may be experiencing difficulty with glycogen production, he says. Snacking on fruits and vegetables with high water content can help. (Cantaloupe, strawberries, watermelon, cucumber, celery, zucchini, tomatoes, and bell peppers are suggested). Yogurt also can supply helpful water.

  • HEADACHES – “The brain sits inside a fluid sack that keeps it from bumping against the skull,” explains Higgins.  “If that fluid sack is depleted or running low because of dehydration, the brain can push up against parts of the skull, causing headaches.”  Drinking alcohol, energy drinks, or caffeine can cause dehydration.

  • COLORED URINE – “If you’re well-hydrated, your urine will be mostly clear with a tinge of yellow,” Higgins explains.  “Yellow chardonnay and orange are the ‘warning’ colors to watch for.  When your body is about three percent dehydrated, your urine will be noticeably yellow.  Whereas when your body is about five percent dehydrated, your urine will appear chardonnay-colored.  If your body is more than five percent dehydrated – which is considered severely dehydrated, – your urine will appear orange.”

As we “Walk ‘n’ Talk” together this summer, we can help each other recognize symptoms of dehydration.  Bringing along a water bottle is a good idea if the forecast is for weather over 80 degrees during our morning walk time.



“Boost Your Brain” to reduce risk of Dementia

“Boost Your Brain” to reduce risk of Dementia

Ask Mr. Pedometer and Friends how to “Boost Your Brain” to reduce the risk of dementia

July 17, 2019

Q:  Mr. Pedometer, all of us deal with physical challenges as we age.  The one that terrifies me is the possibility of disappearing into dementia.  Are there any ways to “Boost Your Brain” to cut the risk of Dementia?”  

A: I hear you.  Some researchers predict that as many as 13 percent of us will develop Alzheimer’s.  However, that need not be inevitable, even if some in your family history have suffered from dementia. 

Good news coming from the recent Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Los Angeles earlier this month is that choosing a healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.  According to Dr. Gayatri Devi, a neurologist who specializes in Alzheimer’s disease, “Regardless of how much genetic risk someone had, a good diet, adequate exercise, limiting alcohol, and not smoking made dementia less likely.”

This conclusion was based on studying nearly 200,000 people in England.  Head researcher was Dr. Elzbieta Kuzma at the University of Exeter Medical School in England.  The study focused on people age 60 or older of European ancestry, so “it’s not known whether the same is true for other racial or ethnic groups.”

An article entitled Boost Your Brain,” by Paula Spencer Scott, appeared in the July 14 edition of “Parade,” in the Sunday newspapers.  The subtitle was, “It’s never too early – or too late! – to whip your brain into shape and fight cognitive decline.” 

Here are some of the tips she shared to “Boost Your Brain” and reduce the risk of dementia:

  • DRINK MORE WATER – “The brain is 80 percent water, “says neuroscientist Lisa Mosconi, Ph.D., Person power walking to cut risk of dementiaauthor of Brain Food. Even mild dehydration can affect brain function.

  • GET YOUR HEART THUMPING – “Even a 10-minute walk or bike ride changes how parts of the brain connect and perform.”

  • FEED YOUR HEAD – Eat more plant foods and fewer processed foods. “To reduce inflammation, eat within a 12-hour window, says Michael Crupain, M.D., co-author of What to Eat When.”

  • MIND YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE – “In a 2018 trial, keeping systolic pressure under 120 best protected the brain.”

  • SEEK HELP FOR SLEEP PROBLEMS – “If you’re not falling asleep fast, getting seven to eight hours, and rising refreshed, there may be an issue, like sleep apnea (now strongly linked with dementia), you need to address.

Most of these are simple things we can do to live a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of dementia.  The benefits are worth it.

These articles give even more credence to my usual sign-off: