Robert Valentine, 91, will have walked the equivalent of two times around the earth!
Did you happen to read the newspaper article in the February 8 East Bay Times that told about the 91-year-old Moraga resident who plans to walk his 50,000th mile this month?

Robert Valentine ,91, is photographed as he walks along the Lafayette-Moraga Regional Trail on Monday, Feb. 5, 2018, in Lafayette, Calif. Valentine, who walks about three miles a day is nearing a milestone of 50,000 miles walked. (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group)
Robert Valentine began daily walks 40 years ago this month, at his doctor’s advice. He has kept a careful log of his walks, with the goal of completing 50,000 miles this month – the equivalent of two trips around the earth!
Mr. Pedometer hopes to be there, applauding, at 1 p.m. on Saturday, February 24, when Mr. Valentine completes that final mile toward his goal. I am seeking directions to the Lafayette-Moraga Regional Trail where this milestone celebration will take place. Care to join me? (I will be coming back from a conference in Oakland, but would be happy to meet you there, once I get directions.)
“The only reason I’m still here on this planet is because of this damn walking,” Valentine told a reporter. “My only parting words are, as you get older, be sure you keep moving. Don’t ever sit down because, when you do, it’s a lights-out deal.”
Click here to read Roberts full story by www.mercurynews.com